ECED6810—Neural Networks
A graduate level course on theory of Artificial Neural Networks. The course covers the range of all major artificial neural network approaches and in extensive hands-on case studies on each and every neural network considered. Basic principles of ANN and their early structures, the madaline, the perceptron, back propagation and hopfield networks will be covered.
ECED6640—Mobile Robotics and Computational Algorithms
A graduate level course on theory of mobile robotics. Strategies for enabling robots to perform tasks that involve motion and behavior are addressed in terms of computation and algorithms. Topics include motion planning, localization, mapping, navigation, and sensor fusion. Wheeled and legged mobile robots will be covered and kinematics’ models are developed for many of the more common locomotive strategies.
ECED4902—Senior Year Project
Senior year students will be required to select a topic and prepare a proposal, including a work program, for a project to be undertaken under the supervision of a faculty member and an industrial advisor. Projects may include laboratory or field experiments, design problems, or literature reviews. The student will be expected to produce a typewritten report.
ECED4601—Digital Control Systems
A fourth year core course deals with digital control systems analysis and design aspects. Techniques for analyzing the performance of sampled data systems are introduced. Emphasis is on the use of the Z-transform in evaluating system performance indicators including its stability. Tools introduced include frequency response methods, and the root locus. Practical examples involving design of controllers for digital control systems to achieve desired response are discussed.
ECED4600—Modern Control Systems
A fourth year core course talks about control systems analysis and design aspects. Techniques for analyzing the performance of analog systems are introduced. Emphasis is on the use of the Laplace transform and state space techniques in evaluating system performance indicators including its stability. Tools introduced include frequency response methods, and the root locus. Practical examples involving design of controllers for small systems to achieve desired response are discussed.
ECED4260—IC Design and Fabrication
A fourth year course introduces VHDL language and digital system design. The theory of combinational design, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh minimization MUX decoder, ROM, PAL implementations, state graphs/tables/assignment, D flip-flop implementation is reviewed. VHDL language and simulation principles are studied. Digital system design techniques will be explored. Testability, fault models, test pattern generation, boundary scan, signature analysis, built-in self test, scan chains will be introduced.
ECED3901—Electrical Engineering Design II
This course covers advanced aspects of design, interdisciplinary design and failure analysis. Students gain experience in the design of complex systems. The class culminates in a design contest in which groups of students design and implement a system to meet design objectives, and present and defend their design in an oral design review. The class will consist of both classroom and lab work. The classroom component will use case studies, design reviews and conventional lectures. The lab component is devoted to the design and implementation of a solution to the contest challenge.
This course introduces a currently available microprocessor system. Topics include microcontrollers as a type of microprocessor, microprocessor architecture, address, data and control buses, allocation of external memory modules, use of decoders, latches, flip-flops and other elements of a microprocessor system, CPU bus cycle, cycle-by-cycle execution, timing diagrams, I/O methods, I/O allocation, asynchronous serial communication (USART), RS-232 standard (I2C, SPI, TWI), parallel port interfacing, handshaking protocols, timers, timer functions, interrupts, interrupt priority, assembly programming, software development and debugging.
ECED3202—Analog Electronics
A third year course covers behavior of real op-amps, BJTs and FETs in high frequency and multistage applications. Topics include linear and non-linear op-amp circuits; current mirrors, active loads and biasing; multistage amplifier design; feedback in amplifiers; high-frequency narrow-band amplifier tuning, coupling and matching; crystal, resonant, phase-shift and relaxation oscillators; waveform generation; class A, AB, B, C and D power amplifiers; voltage regulator design; heat sinking; design of MOSFET motor control circuits and pulse-width modulators.
ECED3201—Introduction to Electronics
A third year course gives an introduction to semiconductor physics. The theory of operation of semiconductor diodes, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), and junction and metal oxide field effect transistors (MOSFETs), is covered in detail. Contemporary computer aided design and analysis software is applied to the aforementioned circuits.
ECED3003— Networks & Systems
This class provides the basic networks and systems analysis skills required in subsequent classes in the Electrical and Computer Engineering program. It covers topics such as signals and systems modelling concepts; applications of Laplace transform in network analysis, Bode plots, block diagram; state-variable analysis; generalized two-port parameters; properties and analysis of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, the convolution integral and Eigen-function and Eigen-values of LTI systems.