iMERIT Annual Meeting-May 28, 2019

iMERIT Annual Meeting-May 28, 2020

Summer School June 2020
The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic resulted in major changes for the iMERIT program in 2020. We had just started planning our first Summer School for trainees, including lectures, project work, social events and participation in a major conference being held at Dalhousie University. We hope to host a similar event in Summer 2021 at one of our participating universities.
As the world moved to virtual meetings, iMERIT decided to follow suit and host a virtual Summer School, scaled back from its original plans, of course.
Mornings from June 8 to 12, 2020, students and their supervisors met via Zoom for a series of lectures. The co-applicants gave an introduction to their field of study or a facet of it. It was the first time many of the students had “met” each other as they come from different universities: Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS; the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, NB; Memorial University in St. John’s, NL; and the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown, PEI.

iMERIT Annual Meeting-May 27, 2021

iMERIT Annual Meeting-May 30, 2022

iMERIT Annual Meeting-May 15, 2023

iMERIT Annual Meeting-June 24, 2024